©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)
Today’s Photo: Entrance to the Moon
Have you ever wanted to walk on the Moon or maybe, just feel like you are walking on the Moon? When I was growing up, I kept the dream of being an astronaut alive much longer than my peers. I was always fascinated by stars, planets, moons, galaxies, you name it. If it was in space, I wanted to know about it. So, as part of that, I imagined what it would have been like to be Neal Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin and take the first steps on the Moon.
While at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, I was able to get my first taste of walking on the Moon. Now, I missed out on the low gravity, but that did not take away from the experience. I don’t remember if this exhibit had a specific name, but it was cool. You walked into a hallway which was lit with small blue colored lights. Then in the walk, there were these glass bowls. I did not know what it was until my wife told me to stick my head into one. Now, that in itself should have given my pause.
I stuck my head in this bowl and looked around. It was dark. I could barely see anything and then, I saw what looked like a Moonscape. It was a pretty cool experience. Imagine putting you head in a small trashcan and trying to see. To that, you add the echoing of your own voice when you try to talk. It makes for a very eerie feel.
I love the light and color. You get the feeling that something ominous is behind the doors.
Pretty cool shot. Very sic-fi!
Now that you mention it, this hallway reminded me of something out of Aliens. Thanks for the feedback.
This looks like something out of a movie! Very cool