Today’s Photo: Gossamer Wings
I have mentioned before that sometimes you have to “find the small things”. That has to be what I have the most trouble with in photography. I have a good grasp of the overall, but it is hard for me to see the picture inside the picture. This was not necessarily one of those photos, but then it is. I was taking a photo of our butterfly bush. I don’t know if that is really what it is called or not, but I have been told it is. While taking a photo of these pretty white flowers, I noticed this one butterfly visiting the bush. I thought I got it out of focus or did not have the shutter speed high enough, but when I started looking at it big, I noticed that it was just the wings. I wonder if that is some type of defense mechanism to make it look like it is moving?
The selective coloring really draws you into the subject. I need one of those bushes in my backyard.