Currently viewing the category: "Finding the Small Things"

Clark Equipment

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Today’s Photo: Clark Equipment

It is rare that I run across anything with my first name.  A little less rare with my last name.  However, there is a line of fork lifts made by Clark Equipment.  I ran across this one on one of my recent adventures.  I love the texture of the metal and then the cut outs for the letters.

Morning Dew

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Today’s Photo: Morning Dew

I woke earlier than anyone else in the house yesterday.  I was watching the fog drift across the lake and thought I would go see what I could find.  After having so much fun getting some macro photos the other evening, I decided I would try to get a few shots of dew covered spider webs.  Unfortunately, I did not find any webs that would work.  I was able to find a few leaves with dew though.

Bubble Reflections

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Today’s Photo: Bubble Reflections

I was working on photos the other evening when my youngest came into the house telling me to get my camera and follow her.  Of course I had to follow.  When I got outside, she grabbed a bubble wand and began making bubbles.  It was fun to spend a little while learning how to get these things up close.

Smile Big

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Today’s Photo: Smile Big

I decided to surprise my wife Saturday morning.  I was going to give her a day minus the children.  It was a great idea, until…

I got the children up early, about 7AM, and told them we were going to go someplace fun.  I cautioned them to be extremely quiet and not wake mommy.  Not only did that not work, she was up before I could get them ready and out the door.

The short side of the story is that mommy chose to go shopping and we met in Etowah Tennessee for lunch.  While we were exploring, I ran across these two valves with a chain between.  Looked kinda like a smiley face to me.  Check back later for where the kids and I chose to go.

Snow White

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Today’s Photo: Snow White

Flowers are some of the best subjects for photos.  I found this one in the yard.  I don’t know what kind of flower it is, but it is yellow.  With the good contrasts, I thought it would make for a good black and white.

Bombs Bursting in Ai

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Today’s Photo: Bombs Bursting in Air

The one thing July 4th is good for every year are fireworks.  Unfortunately, this year, widespread rain canceled almost all the shows around here.  Although it was unfortunate, for me I hope it turns out good.  Most of the shows have been rescheduled and it looks like they are going to be on different weekends.  This shot is from Pops on the River 2012.

Garlic Bulb and Butterfly

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Today’s Photo: Garlic Bulb and Butterfly

For the past three years, I have tried my hand at gardening.  Some people would call it a small farm since it is a half acre.  One of the tricks that I have heard from some of the other gardeners is that you can plant garlic around the garden to keep deer out.  It did not work for me.  I resorted to a couple farm dogs in the area fenced for the garden.  However, it is pretty neat to see the garlic sprout, grow this long stalk and ball like flower on top.  I just happened to catch this one with a visitor.

If you click on the photo, you can see the additional visitors along the base of the individual little flowers.  They are the little black dots.

Random Flower Bed

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Today’s Photo: Random Flower Bed

I think builders compete with each other to construct and decorate their buildings.  That includes the landscaping and sometimes they come up with some interesting stuff.  This was just a random flower bed in Midtown Atlanta.  I’m sure it has some significance since it was designed around a large statue looking thing.  I thought the flowers were more picturesque than the statue though.


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Today’s Photo: Echinacea

This is another of the flowers on the property.  I had no idea what type of flower it is.  That is, until Google.  I guess this is the most known flower with pink petals and an orange center.  Regardless of the name, it is still a beautiful flower.

The Clematis

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Today’s Photo: The Clematis

The previous owners of the property where I live enjoyed planting flowers, but not of the annual variety.  So, every spring, I get to see many flowers blooming.  The way they planted the flowers, there are blooms of different kinds, one after the other.  This is a clematis.  It is neat to watch it grow every year from under the ground, flower and then die off in the winter.

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