Currently viewing the category: "Idaho"

Bogus Basin Road

Today’s Photo:  Bogus Basin Road

This was perhaps the most interesting point of my trip to Idaho, the Bogus Basin Road.  The road begins near the north edge of downtown Boise and travels up, almost literally, into the Boise National Forest.  The drive was only 16 miles and I guessed …Continue Reading Here…

Sunrise Rocks

Today’s Photo:  Sunrise Rocks

I have loved rocks growing up.  I would collect them, but then I got old enough to know better.  Yeah, I finally got rid of them when I was in college.  However, I thought I had it bad until I met my wife.  She still has hers.  At least they are …Continue Reading Here…

I was looking at some of the old posts last night and noticed that I completely missed the aniversary of Just Shooting Memories, the Daily Photography Blog.  March 14 was one year since my first post.  I am still just shy of 366 (leap year) posts.  By my count, I should be there in 6 days.  I guess I missed a couple, maybe 12, at the beginning, but have not since May last year.

Reflections of Buildings

Today’s Photo:  Reflections of Buildings

I don’t know what this building was.  I found it totally by accident when I decided to make a complete circuit of the Idaho state capital building.  There was an almost perfect reflection of the state capital.  If I could have just gotten that one row of lights turned off (Where are the Chick-Fil-A cows when you need them?) I think it …Continue Reading Here…

Why is it that people who work a normal Monday – Friday job say that it is all down hill starting from Wednesday?  I even find that I am guilty of this, even when I know that the bulk of the work is to come on Thursday or Friday.  I guess it is just a polite way to say thank God for the weekend that is coming.

Boise National Forest

Today’s Photo:  Boise National Forest

So, I went to Boise, Idaho for a few days.  I put up a shot of the sunset and one of the State Capital.  It still has not pleased those that want to see the landscape there.  The morning after exploring downtown, I spoke with the clerk at the hotel.  I wanted to find some good shots up in the mountains.  He suggested Bogus Basin.  I though “cool” this is going to be fun.  Armed with the GPS I made my way through downtown Boise and began the ascent up Bogus Basin Road.  What an adventure.  I went from about 2000′ elevation and climbed to 6000′ in 16 miles.  This shot was taken just before I hit the snowy / icy side of the mountain.  I am still pulling pieces of the seat out.

Saint Michael's Episcopal Cathedral (Boise, Idaho)

Today’s Photo:  Saint Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral (Boise, Idaho)

Continuing on my adventure finding churches to photograph, we come to Boise.  I found this little gem tucked away behind the capitol building.  When I was taking shots of the capitol, I almost decided to skip walking around …Continue Reading Here…

I don’t know why it is that, when I get back home, everyone asks to see photos of where I have been.  I guess that is a good thing and a bad thing.  It is good because I know that everyone expects to see some pretty cool stuff and if I was not doing a good job, they wouldn’t ask.  On the other side, I only have a small amount of time to get them processed.

Windy Idaho Sunset

Today’s Photo:  Windy Idaho Sunset

I took this shot from the top of a parking garage about three blocks from the Idaho State Capital.  I did not know it could be that windy anywhere.  It had to have been a constant 30 – 40 mph winds.  It was blowing hard enough to shake the camera on the tripod.  For anyone who has used a Manfrotto 055XPROB you know that the camera attaches right at the top of the legs…and the camera still shook.  I finally had to resort to leaning against is to get it still enough for a bracket.  Forget getting more than the three auto brackets.  It would have shifted while I was trying to change settings.

Idaho State Capital

Today’s Photo:  Idaho State Capital

I spent a couple of days in Boise Idaho this past week.  I was able to sneak in a few hours of photography both downtown and in the mountains. I did a little research before leaving and was hoping to get a shot of the capital building.  I was blessed …Continue Reading Here…

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