Currently viewing the category: "Old Buildings"

Snowy Morning On The Lake

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Today’s Photo: Snowy Morning On The Lake

I am not a big fan of wide and narrow format photos.  I guess this is because I find too much information in a photo outside those bounds.  Maybe it is just because I just don’t have much vision outside of my DX size sensor brain.  I was not going to post …Continue Reading Here…

Daryl's Motorcycle Service

Today’s Photo:  Daryl’s Motorcycle Service

I have a kinda normal name, but not the most common spelling of that name.  I was driving around the other day when my wife told me to look over at the store next to us.  To my surprise, I saw Daryl’s Motorcycle Service.  I was intrigued enough to grab …Continue Reading Here…

The Grand

Today’s Photo:  The Grand

This past weekend, I made it to First Friday in Canton, the Tellus in Cartersville and the Car Show the first Saturday in Cartersville.  The car show was completely by luck.  I had forgotten that there was one the first Saturday of every month.  We were in Cartersville and …Continue Reading Here…

The Little Lake

Today’s Photo:  The Little Lake

I love to explore off the beaten path places.  There are so many cool things you can find on back roads that would have other wise been missed.  Take for example this little lake.  I actually found this completely by …Continue Reading Here…

I was looking at some of the old posts last night and noticed that I completely missed the aniversary of Just Shooting Memories, the Daily Photography Blog.  March 14 was one year since my first post.  I am still just shy of 366 (leap year) posts.  By my count, I should be there in 6 days.  I guess I missed a couple, maybe 12, at the beginning, but have not since May last year.

Reflections of Buildings

Today’s Photo:  Reflections of Buildings

I don’t know what this building was.  I found it totally by accident when I decided to make a complete circuit of the Idaho state capital building.  There was an almost perfect reflection of the state capital.  If I could have just gotten that one row of lights turned off (Where are the Chick-Fil-A cows when you need them?) I think it …Continue Reading Here…

Doorway to Where?

Today’s Photo:  Doorway to Where?

I love to explore old abandoned buildings.  Just about any kind of them.  It is pretty cool to enter some place new and unoccupied where you don’t know what is around the next corner.  To me it is kinda like a exploring my life; there are many choices and every …Continue Reading Here…

Distant Silo

Today’s Photo: Distant Silo

This was another of those shots that I found driving down the road. It was really just by luck. Most of the time, I have one eyes to the sunset and don’t pay attention to what is going on to the east. However, I happened to look the other way and to my surprise, I saw this.

Power Lines and Clouds

Today’s Photo:  Power Lines and Clouds

I have found lots of buildings in rural Georgia.  The one problem I find, is that most of them have these ugly power lines leading to them through the most interesting angles from which to shoot (with a camera, not a gun) the building.  I have used the power …Continue Reading Here…

Freer Gallery of Art

Today’s Photo:  Freer Gallery of Art

I was in drafting for most of the four years I was in high school.  I had the dream of being an architect when I “grew up”.  What ever happened to that dream?  Huh!  So, from a young age, I have taken an interest in architecture and …Continue Reading Here…

Bartow County Home

Today’s Photo:  Bartow County Home

This is another of those buildings which I have seen hundreds of times and thought of stopping to take photos.  Well, over the summer, I did exactly that.  I knew it was a rundown establishment of some sort, but not …Continue Reading Here…

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