Currently viewing the tag: "old gates"

Another Sunset at the Gate

Today’s Photo:  Another Sunset at the Gate

Well, today marks 365 posts.  Too bad it is a leap year.  I guess one more day for a whole year worth of posts is not going to kill me.  I went through a time a while back that I think I posted a photo of a gate almost everyday.  I have gone a little while …Continue Reading Here…

I bought a new lens over the weekend and have had a great time trying it out.  It is the AF Nikkor 50mm f1.8D.  I guess it’s kinda like getting eye surgery.  Everyone I have ever talked to about it say they wished they had done it sooner.  I think I have to be in the boat on this one.  Stay tuned for shots.  I will try to remember to note which ones are taken with it.

Brush Strokes

Today’s Photo:  Brush Strokes

I really like clouds.  In fact, it is very rare that I take a photo that has sky and no clouds.  I drive my wife crazy when there are good clouds.  I did not cause her mental problems with this one though.  At least not that …Continue Reading Here…

Clouds After the Storm

Today’s Photo:  Clouds After the Storm

I found these clouds right at sunset and just after a pretty good long storm broke up.  This has been one of the craziest winters I can remember.  I don’t know of any other that has gone back and forth …Continue Reading Here…

The Red Gate

Today’s Photo:  The Red Gate

The time around sunset offers so many photographic possibilities that, for me, they are endless.  I really like the opportunities to photograph cloud movement and mix it with long exposure photography.  It makes the clouds streak across …Continue Reading Here…

Gentle Sunset

Today’s Photo:  Gentle Sunset

I wont even say I was going to write something long today, because I have been too busy to even think about it.  However, here is the shot for the day. Another of those painted on sunsets and a gate.

Sunset at the Gate

Today’s Photo:  Sunset at the Gate

I missed the sunset the other day, but I was able to make it to a good spot for some shots just after.  The sun was way below the horizon and just the smallest color was glowing like a line and the clouds were really moving across the sky.  I took my first shots before …Continue Reading Here…

Winter Skies

Today’s Photo:  Winter Skies

A fellow photographer, Tim Stanley, posted the other day about what he likes about winter.  I would have to concur that winter skies are “Like an artist’s canvas, the beautiful brush strokes blend into one another, creating …Continue Reading Here…

Off the Beaten Path

Today’s Photo:  Off the Beaten Path

Have you ever wondered what it is that draws some people to things which lead them off the beaten path?  For years, I have been one of those people who have to do things for myself and this usually leads me down some …Continue Reading Here…

Have you ever been inside and then stepped out just at sunset and seen what you believe to be one of the best sunsets?  That is what happened to me today.  It was astonishing, but I did not have time to get the camera and get to a good spot.  I just stood and enjoyed it.

Seconds Before Sunrise

Today’s Photo:  Seconds Before Sunrise

There is a reason the time around sunrise and sunset is called the golden or blue hours.  I was fortunate to make it by my little gate on the way to work one morning just at the right time for a couple quick shots of the sun …Continue Reading Here…

A Gate to Nowhere
So, I sprang on my family today the first geocaching trip.  I thought it went pretty well.  We went to the location and searched, and searched, and searched some more.  We finally found it and my oldest daughter keeps telling me “I told you it was in the tree.  You should have looked there.”  Leave it up to the little ones to put me right.  I was also able to get a few shots while we were out.

Today’s Photo:  A Gate to Nowhere

This is another gate that I see kinda frequently.  It does not …Continue Reading Here…

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