Currently viewing the tag: "old gates"

Just Another Gate at Sunrise

Today’s Photo:  Just Another Gate at Sunrise

It has been awhile since I posted a photo just about a gate.  Too bad I have only seen this one in the dark for the last few months.  I pass this gate nearly every morning and wonder what the sunrise will be like, but know …Continue Reading Here…

The Challenge

I was thinking of doing a photo365 type thing.  I have not hammered all the details out in my head but just wanted to see if anyone wanted to join and maybe make it a collaborative theme based challenge?

Today’s Photo:  The Challenge

The daily photo for today comes from Old Car City USA.  Yeah, tell me…its not a car.  However, I think I did better with this, it is a gate.  I was working my way through the junk yard turned museum when I ran across this.  There was this gate saying …Continue Reading Here…

North Georgia Sunset

Today’s Photo:  North Georgia Sunset

For me there is something magical about seeing the moment when the sun first appears or begins to set.  Whenever I am out at this time of day, whether it is morning or evening, I try to stop and just …Continue Reading Here…

The Guarded Gate

I have not been paying attention to what meteor showers were coming up and then all the sudden, I was told that I needed to take a time lapse.  The peak of the Leonid Meteor shower is at about midnight on the 17th.  I set up the time lapse and was waiting to make sure it was taking the photos well when I saw one during the first exposure.  Hopefully it will turn out and I will get more.

Today’s Photo:  The Guarded Gate

I ran across this gate the other day driving down the road.  There are no trees near this …Continue Reading Here…

Rolling Clouds

I try my best to pick the camera up at least once a day and take just one shot.  However, this has not been a successful week for that.  Not to mention, the typically amazing sunsets which I love to photograph in the fall have been missing lately.

Today’s Photo:  Impressive Clouds

I was driving home the other day from work when I noticed the most amazing blue skies.  Almost that “Simpson” blue sky color.  So, of course I had to stop and get a couple shots of it.  If it was not for being there and seeing it myself, I would not have believed the sky could get this color.

Cool Morning

Today (Saturday) was absolutely awesome. What a great day for a photowalk. I as extremely glad I checked the weather for Chattanooga before taking off from home. I noticed that the high was supposed to be in the low 60’s. I was going to wear shorts. That changed quickly once I saw the estimated temps. I got to the front of the Tennessee aquarium and must say, I was not …Continue Reading Here…

Morning at the Gate

Today’s Photo:  Morning at the Gate

I don’t know what it was about this summer.  The conditions were just right that nearly every morning there was heavy fog in the valley’s, if you can call anything in Georgia a “valley”, between home and work.  It made for some interesting and challenging photographic opportunities.

The morning I took this photo, there was an extremely …Continue Reading Here…

I have noticed that the impression which people get from a photo is very interesting.  I can change where I am standing by a few feet and get a totally different photo.  But, what I have noticed the most is that a photo only captures a small amount of what I see.  This can be manipulated in so many ways.  I can not count the number of times that I have taken a photo right beside the road and, with out knowing where it was, you would never know that, just a couple of feet away, there was a busy road.  I must say you can use that to great advantage.  I would say that 70% of my photos are this way.  How about you?

Today’s Photo:  Afternoon Sky

I have spoken a lot of the gate which I see in the morning.  I don’t talk too much of the gate I see just on the other side of the road.  I really mean, right on the other side of the road.  I have not had that much time visiting this gate lately.  This is because the angle of the light at the time in the afternoon when I go past it.  I pass by in the early afternoon and right now, the sun does not get to a good angle until about 8:30 P.M.  However, I managed to get there a little later the other day.  I just love photos like this where you can see the sun beams.

I have taken a few other photos of this gate including this old one: The Gate.  And don’t miss last Wednesday’s daily photo.

Afternoon Sky

Update to Google+ mini review:

It appears that now, you can use a business name or other nickname.  I still am not impressed with the iPhone app.  It is okay for adding to circles, watching your stream, but not great for posting.  Maybe Google will fix this.  If you missed the review you can find it at the Google+ mini review.

Today’s Photo:  Cloudy Movement

I usually see all kinds of really cool stuff on the way home.  The daily photo today comes from one of those times.  Luckily, I had the camera that day.  Most of the time, the best stuff happens when I don’t.  I hope that I am not the only one to which his happens.  Do you have this problem to?  This is another of those drive home photos: Clouds over the Barn.

While you are looking at this, don’t miss last Saturday’s Daily Photo.

Cloudy Movement

Thank you to everyone who has stopped by.  For those of you who are new, I offer most of my photos under the Creative Commons License.  For details on the license, select the link on the right.  If you find a photo which I have retained all rights to and you want a print let me know at  I am thinking of doing limited edition / signed prints.  If you are interested or if you have had experience with these types of prints, leave a comment.

You can also click on the photo itself to open it in my Flickr photostream.  Most of these can be downloaded full size from Flickr.  The look good as desktop backgrounds to me.

Today’s Photo:  Sunset Beams

I love how on cloudy days, sometimes the sun pops through at just the right time.

Yes, another gate.  But at least it is a different one today.

Sunset Beams

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