Currently viewing the category: "Churches"

First Presbyterian Church of Cartersville

Today’s Photo:  First Presbyterian Church of Cartersville

Today brings another round in my churches series.  This is in the heart of downtown Cartersville Georgia.  I have been past it many times and always admired the medieval look.  That was always my favorite time in history to …Continue Reading Here…

Wow, what a busy and productive weekend so far, first Friday in Canton, Easter egg hunt in Cartersville, Tellus museum, churches and a car show.  All of that in a day and a half and it’s still not over.  Easter tomorrow and who knows what else will happen.

Sam Jones Memorial

Today’s Photo:  Sam Jones Memorial

I was driving around Cartersville looking for a good church shot for this post.  I just happened to be cruising through just before the start of a car show in downtown.  Imagine my fortune, a car show at the same time I was looking for a …Continue Reading Here…

The Church at Farmville

Today’s Photo:  The Church at Farmville

I almost missed today’s church photo.  I have been so busy with other things, that I have not had time to process photos like I want.  I found this on the road from Fairmount to Calhoun.  In fact, it is near several other …Continue Reading Here…

Concord Baptist Church

Today’s Photo:  Concord Baptist Church

Another week has gone by and I get to post another church.  52 for a year is not too bad.  I am sure I should be able to find that many in the south.  Even that many cool looking photogenic churches should not be that hard to find.  I found this one just down [Continue Reading…]

White United Methodist Church

Today’s Photo:  White United Methodist Church

What is it with the weather this year?  In the south, there was no snow, 70+ degree days and now that it is March we are already in the 80’s.  I guess we can look forward to numerous 100+ days this year.  At least it has given rise to some good …Continue Reading Here…

Canton Road Church of God

Today’s Photo:  Canton Road Church of God

When I decide to make a new series of photos, sometimes it is hard to keep that series going.  I have not had that problem with my Sunday series of Churches.  It must have something to do with living in the southeast.  There is a church on every …Continue Reading Here…

Saint Michael's Episcopal Cathedral (Boise, Idaho)

Today’s Photo:  Saint Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral (Boise, Idaho)

Continuing on my adventure finding churches to photograph, we come to Boise.  I found this little gem tucked away behind the capitol building.  When I was taking shots of the capitol, I almost decided to skip walking around …Continue Reading Here…

A Little Church

Today’s Photo:  A Little Church

I have been doing good keeping up with my series of churches.  I hope I don’t run out soon though.  You never know if you will be able to find enough churches in the south.  I don’t remember the name of this church.  It is just a small building …Continue Reading Here…

Sonoraville Baptist

Today’s Photo:  Sonoraville Baptist

Continuing with the Sunday church series, this is Sonaraville Baptist church.  This was one of the first churches I photographed.  Of course it was during one of those drives where I had to make a sudden turn around among many exclamations …Continue Reading Here…

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