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We have had some very strong thunderstorms here over the last week or so and the cloud formations have been fabulous.  The sunsets following these storms has been outstanding.  Unfortunately, I have committed an atrocity over and over.  Two days, I was working and unable to get any photos with the Nikon.  Another day, I had taken tons of photos and ran the batteries out on the camera.  However, I was able to take a few photos with my iPhone.  Check them out on Instagram.  I am @darylclark.

With the comedy of errors, I was able to take a few photos with the last storm that went through.  This photo is from just inside the leading edge of the storm.  The dark clouds at the top of the frame are from the Thunderhead.  About 30 seconds after taking this photo, the bottom fell out.

From the Storm

I am usually an early riser.  I love the way things are quite and calm first thing in the morning just before sunrise.  You can sit quietly and hear the world wake up.  I really enjoy it when it is a foggy morning.  Although the sun is rising and the world is waking up, you can only hear it.  This morning was very foggy.  So, I grabbed the camera and had a little fun.

Morning Myst



HLittle A browsing the mallave you checked out Instagram yet?  If you have not, it is a must have.  I downloaded it to the iPhone today.  So far, I have only found one  downside, only 15 in app filters.  However, they appear to be very open with their API and other camera apps are picking up in that area; one notable is 100camerasin1.  Instagram is easy to use, fast and it connects with facebook, flickr and twitter.  Check me out on instagram I am @darylclark.



Blueridge Sunrise

The jury is still out on whether I like the east coast or the west coast better.  I really love the size and vastness of everything on the west coast / west of the Mississippi, but I love the gentleness of the eastern mountains.  This was another shot from the top of Blood Mountain.  You can really see why it’s called the Blueridge Mountains.


I have passed this by on a regular basis for quite sometime now.  I have always loved the way this meanders through the field.  However, I have never been by it when conditions were right.  Yeah, I know, excuses.  But I made it there finally with a very pretty sky.  I just loved the way the patchy clouds floated through the sky, creating shadows on the ground.  I have been really disappointed in the weather this year in Georgia.  It went from cool to hot and hazy.  I think the haze has been worse this year than any other.  How have weather conditions been near you?


This is a photo I have had in my archive.  I decided to pull some out the other day and work on some of the old stuff.  I caught this on a clam morning just as the sun was coming up.  It is nice to not have to go very far to take photos.  Unfortunately, sometimes I think it makes me lazier that I should be.


I have been posting photos on several Flickr groups and have gotten some good feed back.  If you have not checked out my flickr stream, it’s on the right.  I was reading some posts over at Tim Stanley Photography and it made me think.  I love landscape photography, but conditions are not always what I want, which makes it difficult to focus on photography sometimes.  However, Tim was talking about focusing on the smaller things instead of the mountain views.  I did not think much about that until later when I was taking sunset photos.  I began to think of some of the small things around, which may be good photos.  I will post some experiments in “finding the small things” soon.  Lesson learned: look at the small things as well as the big picture.

This is the southwestern view from the top of Springer Mountain.  I loves how the fog was still hanging in the valleys below waiting for the sunrise.


Another quick shot from Easter.  There is nothing like seeing the joy on a child’s face as they run, look for and then find eggs; or for that matter, anything.  I would not be able to do this without my family to support this “eccentric” habit.  Sometimes they think I am crazy for the lengths I go to get a shot.  Other times, I think I am.


I was exploring downtown Cartersville when I came across this church.  In the top of the church was an orange type light.  There were no other lights on but that one.  Not even the decorative lights lining the front were on.  Makes you wonder…


I took the day off from photography.  Well not completely, I took some photos.  However, I decided to spend my time on the river today.  Unfortunately, cameras and water are not the best of friends.  So tonights post shall be short.

I just love the first rays of sun.  Sitting in the dark and then..light.  Especially when I get to see it from some place as beautiful as the top of a mountain.  What is you favorite time of the day?


I love macro photography.  There is nothing like exploring the world close-up.  There is so much detail to see when you stop looking at the big picture and focus on the little things.  Is it not the little things in life that cause the most pleasure?  A smile from your loved one.  The joy a child has the first time they catch a lightning bug…and then squish it.  So why can photography not capture the little things also.

The Flower

Look into my depths.  Resistance is futile.  Just accept me for what I am.


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