Currently viewing the category: "Knoxville"

Pools on a Walkway

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Today’s Photo: Pools on a Walkway

I love to travel.  There are always interesting things to see that are “not at home” and that makes them exotic to me.  Even if it happens to be similar to something that I see a lot of the time.  A major part of the traveling for me is to fly.  I do my best to get flights that leave the ground just before sunrise, or take off just before sunset.  This gets me in the air while it is dark.  I love to see the pools of light below street lamps.  That was what this walkway at the Worlds Fair park in Knoxville reminded me of.

Gay Street Bridge

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Today’s Photo: Gay Street Bridge

After getting to downtown Knoxville early and then waiting around for the sunset, no trip would be complete without some after sunset adventuring.  Just a few minutes after sunset, I was still sitting on the Gay Street Bridge.  I noticed the lights along the bridge coming on.  I made it back to Volunteer Landing and the sun had gone down quite a bit.  I set up for this shot of Gay Street Bridge with all the lights.

Three Rivers Rambler

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Today’s Photo: Three Rivers Rambler

I took a walkabout for a few hours in downtown Knoxville last night.  I had been monitoring the clouds for most of the day and thought the sunset would look pretty good coming across the river.  I made it a good bit earlier than planned and walked along the river.  I ran across the Three Rivers Rambler train stop and a parked train.  I could not pass up the reflection of the bridge.  I can definitely see spending more time downtown in Knoxville Tennessee.

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