Currently viewing the tag: "Nikon D90"

Jasper Fireworks

Today’s Photo: Jasper Fireworks

This year was the first time I went to see the fireworks in Jasper Georgia.  I can say that for a small town, I was impressed.  My guess is that we just had the perfect spot to watch from and good friends to share it with, but the fireworks were good too.

The Jetties

Today’s Photo: The Jetties

One of my favorite places in Panama City Beach are the jetties along the pass at St. Andrews State Park.  It is always fun to go watch the boats coming and going.  My favorite are not the small ones, but the large transport ships.  It amazes me to see them navigate such a small area.  It is hard to believe that the water is deep enough for most of them.

The Little Piggy

Today’s Photo: The Little Piggy

It seems to me that most people take car of cars as if they are just a method of getting from one point to another.  Now, there are exceptions to that, but I hardly ever see a motorcycle that has been treated in the same way that I see cars.  I found this little piggy somewhere in Tennessee a couple years back.  Of course, it was well taken care of and I’d have to say it probably screamed wee all the way home.


Today’s Photo: Driftwood

One afternoon while we were visiting St. Andrews State Park in Panama City Beach, I decided to take a stroll from the ocean to the northern point of the park along the beach for the bay.  I found many interesting things, but was fascinated with this piece of driftwood.  I found several logs, but nothing other than this that was man made, or processed.  I know that the ocean holds many mysteries and transports things you would never believe, but I was impressed that this beach was so clear of garbage.

The Easy Footpath

Today’s Photo: The Easy Footpath

Several weeks ago, I hiked the Appalachian Trail from Forest Service Road 42 to Springer Mountain and then the Appalachian Approach Trail to Amicalola Falls State Park.  What is billed at about 8.5 miles was actually right at 10 miles to the lodge at the park.  Going from north to south was not nearly as bad as I can imagine going to opposite direction would have been.

The Window to Wonderland

Today’s Photo:  The Window to Wonderland

As winters go, this last one was pretty good for North Georgia.  That’s how I see it at least.  We had two really good winter storms and I got to spend sometime tromping around in the snow.  As hot and muggy as it is right now, I wish this was my view.  I can honestly saw that I don’t dream much of warmer weather when it’s cold.

Mountain Cascade

Today’s Photo: Mountain Cascade

I found this little cascade while exploring in North Georgia not too long ago.  I was drawn to the constant action f the water flowing down the hill.

Pink Tulip

Today’s Photo: Pink Tulip

This was another shot I got from the Smith Gilbert Gardens.  I was walking around and ran across this small bed of tulips that were beginning to bloom.  I thought having all the other tulips in the background made for a good photo.

Mt. Sterling (Great Smoky Mountains National Park)

Today’s Photo: Mt. Sterling (Great Smoky Mountains National Park)

This shot is from the top of the fire tower on Mount Sterling in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park looking east over North Carolina.  The day before this, I hiked just over 6 miles and gained over 4000 feet of elevation in that time, carrying all my camera gear and camping gear.  What a climb, but well worth it for views and a sunrise like this.  I almost did not get out of the hammock, as it was so cozy.  Fortunately I did.

Savannah City Hall

Today’s Photo: Savannah City Hall

I took off one evening after walking around River Street and made my way through several of the parks just beyond Bay Street.  I went through Johnson Square and found this angle to shoot City Hall.  Traffic was not real heavy, but timed just right that it took forever to get this shot without cars on Bull Street.

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