Currently viewing the tag: "Old Buildings"

G+ iPhone App:  24 hours later

Okay, whomever the user interface programmer was for Google needs to be given a raise.  The simplicity and ease of use for this app is wonderful.  Each of the screens gives what you need, but not to the point you are overwhelmed.  So far, the only problems I have found have been posting links through the App and limiting your stream to individual circles.

Today’s Photo:  Abandoned House

My wife thinks I have a problem with stopping the car.  I told here it is not a problem with stopping the car, it was a problem not getting in position for the shot fast enough.  Am I the only one with this problem?  Surely there are more out there that drive twice the number of miles to get some place just because they are constantly turning around to go back and get the shot they just saw.  This was from one of those days.  The bad thing was, when I turned around for this shot, I saw another.  She was rather perturbed by the time we made it to town.

Abandoned House

What is your favorite place to take photos?  I am still up in the air. I always seem o go for the big landscapes or vast distance photos.  However, I have begun working on some close-ups.  Does anyone have suggestion on a photographic style they would like to see me attempt?  I could then write a post outlining my trials and tribulations.  Click the “leave comments” link at the top of this post.

Today’s Photo:  The Blue Room

This is one of the exhibit halls in the Museum of Asian History in Washington D.C.  I just loved the blue along the ceiling.  I don’t know if this is a skylight or just a back lit light.  But, however it is done, it is cool.  The only things lit well were the actual exhibits, the galleries themselves were very dim.  This was handheld, 3 exposures.  To get the shutter speed where I could hold it, I had to crank up the ISO.

The Blue Room

Nikon D90 Mini Review:

I have been fortunate enough to shoot both Canon and Nikon over the past several years.  I must say that I am impressed with both lines of cameras.  Most recently, I have settled on the Nikon D90 and have been shooting with it for over six months.  I must say, it is a very nice camera.  It has good functionality and decent speed with the “kit” lens (18 – 105).

Now, the bad.  To operate a camera effectively, the ability to change settings with out removing your eye from the view finder is a must for me.  Several of the button combinations to achieve some of my most used functions are awkward when trying to shoot.  For example: I routinely use exposure compensation.  To adjust the exposure compensation during shooting, you remove your finger from the shutter release and press the exposure compensation button just behind.  Then rotate the rear dial with the right thumb.  So, it takes two fingers from the same hand.  A better placement for the exposure compensation button would have been where it could have been operated with the right hand and then the left thumb could rotate the dial.

I have noticed a small amount of vignetting using the kit lens.  Maybe this is just a DX format thing.  However, it is easily fixed in Adobe Lightroom.

Now, for the Good…  This camera has been very rugged for me.  Traveling with two children and moving it between vehicles, it has shown that it can with stand a lot.  I have thrown this camera around, shot in the rain and generally put it through it’s paces and it is still working like the day I got it.

Overall, I would like to say that the D90 is a wonderful camera at a great price.  I keeps up easily with the other camera’s I have used.  I was sad to hear that Nikon has stopped production of this camera.

Today’s Photo: The Barn (again)

I think I may have used this name already for a photo.  Oh, well.  Maybe I should just call it “The Barn 2”?  What do you think? Any suggestions?  As I am writing this, my wife was suggesting something like “barny”, “barn number 2”, “barn fever” or “another barn”.  This is a sight I see every morning while driving to work.  I finally stopped and took a photo.  It turned out like I wanted and now I am going to begin a “Barn” series.  So, should I call it “The Barn” also?

The Barn ©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)


I read a post on Photofocus the other day about becoming a better photographer.  In it, Scott Bourne talks about using writing to become a better photographer by making the photographer focus on telling a story.  That made me think and go back to some of my work from when I first started writing this blog.  What I discovered opened my eyes.  Maybe writing really does work to improve photography.

Today’s Photo:  The Asian Art Hall

Today’s photo comes from the Asian History Museum in Washington D.C.  It amazes me how the architecture is as much a part of the museums as the pieces on display.  I was walking around this museum when I rounded the corner and saw these windows lined up and leading to a large metal bared door on the other end of the hallway.  (I later learned that is where some of the more valuable pieces are as well as the stairway leading to the administrative offices in this building)  I just thought the symmetry was perfect in the architecture.

The Asian Art Hall

I have struggled with posting this photo.  I can not explain why I have had so much trouble, but it is still there none the less.  Am I the only one who has trouble with posting certain photos?

After a long day in a training seminar, I was able to make it inside the district for a crash through several Smithsonian Museums which were still open past 5 O’Clock.  After exhausting all the museums, and being kicked out of the American History Museum, I made it to the Vietnam Memorial.  It had been raining, too cold for my southern bones and just plain miserable.  I would not have even made it to the Wall if it had not been for the specific request of my brother.  After taking this shot and processing it, I still don’t know what to think about it.

I usually release all the photos on this blog under a creative commons license, but not for this one.  For licensing information contact daryl (at)

The Wall ©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)


Have you made it on Google+ yet.  If you are look me up Daryl Clark.  Right now it is by invite only, but hopefully, it will be open soon.  They have an amazing interface and the idea of having circles of friends is interesting.  Occasionally invites are available.  Leave a comment with your e-mail address and I will try to get the first ten in.

Clouds over the Barn

Fortunately, I live only about an hour north of Atlanta, Georgia.  I think this gives me the best of both world, rural landscapes and big city urban areas.  The wonderful thing is, I get to drive through some very picturesque areas.  This happens to be one of them.  My only problems is that the sky does not always cooperate.  However, the cooperated this day.  I just wish they would hang around more often.

Clouds over barn

I have passed this by on a regular basis for quite sometime now.  I have always loved the way this meanders through the field.  However, I have never been by it when conditions were right.  Yeah, I know, excuses.  But I made it there finally with a very pretty sky.  I just loved the way the patchy clouds floated through the sky, creating shadows on the ground.  I have been really disappointed in the weather this year in Georgia.  It went from cool to hot and hazy.  I think the haze has been worse this year than any other.  How have weather conditions been near you?


A few months ago, Scott Bourne and Rich Harrington started Triple Exposure, a neat site covering panoramas, time lapse and HDR.  There’s lots of information over there so go check it out .  As soon as I am able to, I will upload a panorama I took while in Oregon.  Unfortunately, I pieced it together before some of the tips on that site.  Maybe now, that pesky photomerge will work right.

Downtown C’Ville

I decided the other night to take some time in the major metropolis (hehe) of Cartersville.  This is the view of Jefferson’s on main street.  If you like wings, this is a must visit.  I took several other photos that night and will post them soon.


This photo is from the front of the “Castle”, the Smithsonian Administration building.  I was in a mad dash for the flower gardens at the rear of the Castle when I came across this interesting view.  It was rather frustrating waiting for all the people to walk by and get a clear shot.  People were crazy. It was raining.  Wait, I was out in it too.  Oh well, made for some interesting shots.


This is the ceiling of the entrance hall at the Smithsonian’s Asian History Museum.  I thought all the recesses and the chandelier made this interesting.  It took me a minute to get under the center of the light and the whole time the guard was looking at me like it was my time to go.  You know what I mean?  Too bad I speak English…I could have smoothed my way out.  Yeah right.  So, after taking this, I realized there was a drop of water on the lens.  I think it just completed the day.

Don’t forget to click on the photo, it opens flickr and the higher resolution file.


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