Currently viewing the tag: "sunrise"

A Year Later

Today’s Photo:  A Year Later

Well, a little over a year.  It is hard to believe that some of the worst spring storms ran right through this area just over a year ago.  I happen to live less than a mile from the path of one of the tornadoes that hit.  I spent a tense night …Continue Reading Here…

Country Sunrise

Today’s Photo:  Country Sunrise

I have the good fortune to live in a place that has several good shots for the sunrise.  This happens to be one of them.  The sunrise here can be very beautiful particularly when there is fog in the valleys.  The morning of this …Continue Reading Here…

Layers of Clouds

Today’s Photo:  Layers of Clouds

School is finally out and I can leave a little later in the morning, well maybe.  In fact, due to being extremely sick last week, I slept in just a little this morning.  I am kinda glad I did, because this was what I found on my …Continue Reading Here…

Hot Spring Sunrise

Today’s Photo:  Hot Spring Sunrise

In the 30’s and expecting frost last week and then in the upper 80’s this week.  What’s up with that?  I shot this a couple of weeks ago when the weather was acceptable for spring time.  The sun is finally making it into the sky when I …Continue Reading Here…

Just Breaking

Today’s Photo:  Just Breaking

It amazes me how the sun can change angles based on the time of year.  For the end of the spring and most of the summer, this was what I got to see driving out most mornings.  The timing was almost perfect.  The rest of the year, it is either …Continue Reading Here…

I spent several hours at First Friday in downtown Canton last night.  The kids and I had a blast.  First Friday is a car show, concert and craft type thingy (technical word) that is put on the first Friday of every month.  It was such a hit that we will probably do it again.  Oh, and there were lots of photo opportunities too.

Bleak Sunrise

Today’s Photo:  Bleak Sunrise

I shot this a while back.  In fact, last year I think.  This is one of the least colorful sunrises I have seen.  Everything was brown, dormant and just a lack of vibrancy.  However, with the clouds moving rapidly across the sky, it made for a pretty good sunrise shot.

Sunrise Rocks

Today’s Photo:  Sunrise Rocks

I have loved rocks growing up.  I would collect them, but then I got old enough to know better.  Yeah, I finally got rid of them when I was in college.  However, I thought I had it bad until I met my wife.  She still has hers.  At least they are …Continue Reading Here…

Why is it that people who work a normal Monday – Friday job say that it is all down hill starting from Wednesday?  I even find that I am guilty of this, even when I know that the bulk of the work is to come on Thursday or Friday.  I guess it is just a polite way to say thank God for the weekend that is coming.

Boise National Forest

Today’s Photo:  Boise National Forest

So, I went to Boise, Idaho for a few days.  I put up a shot of the sunset and one of the State Capital.  It still has not pleased those that want to see the landscape there.  The morning after exploring downtown, I spoke with the clerk at the hotel.  I wanted to find some good shots up in the mountains.  He suggested Bogus Basin.  I though “cool” this is going to be fun.  Armed with the GPS I made my way through downtown Boise and began the ascent up Bogus Basin Road.  What an adventure.  I went from about 2000′ elevation and climbed to 6000′ in 16 miles.  This shot was taken just before I hit the snowy / icy side of the mountain.  I am still pulling pieces of the seat out.

Silhouette Sunrise

Today’s Photo:  Silhouette Sunrise

Another photo from years ago.  I was working night shift and returned home just as the sun was rising.  I took this with my trusty HP photo smart 320.  It is amazing the increase in technology and quality of digital cameras over …Continue Reading Here…

Dumping the Sunrise

Today’s Photo:  Dumping the Sunrise

Unfortunately, with today’s economy, this has become an all to familiar sight and I think Georgia has caught a lot of this due to our speculative housing boom.  But, this inactivity of lots of heavy machinery makes for some interesting subjects.  I took this shot …Continue Reading Here…

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