Currently viewing the tag: "winter"

Snowday Portraits

Today’s Photo: Snowday Portraits

We have had two snow storms that have shut everything down for about a week each over the past month.  Fortunately, I have been able to spend a little time with my children out in the snow.  This was a quick shot I got just before we went inside one day.

The Quiet Bench

Today’s Photo: The Quiet Bench

Yesterday, we had about 3 – 4 inches of new snow.  It was the heavy, stick to everything, make the power go out type of snow.  So, what did I do?  Grab the camera and go shoot, of course.  With the power out, the aerator in the lake had turned off and the water was calm.  It was nice, quite and peaceful out taking photos.  I just love the way the snow silences most sound.  If I had not been having so much fun with the camera, I would have gotten a cup of coffee and sat on the bench.

Oh, and Happy Valentines Day.

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