Currently viewing the category: "Georgia"

Woodstock Fireworks

Today’s Photos:  Woodstock Fireworks

Every July 4 in the US requires red, white, and blue fireworks.  This display was in Woodstock.  While it was not the most comfortable, the rain cleared out just in time and it wasn’t too bad getting to sit in the back of the van and watch.


Today’s Photo: Fire!!!

Purely by accident did I run across this cannon demonstration.  I decided to take the kids for a short hike on Kennesaw Mountain Labor Day weekend.  As I got the little one in his backpack carrier, they announced the demonstration.  I wish they had fired the cannon more than twice.  This was the second.  Man was it loud too.  I think the boy is a future tanker or artillery man.  All he wanted to say after this was “Cannon” and “Boom Crash”.

Kehoe House

Today’s Photo: Kehoe House

Having someone with local knowledge is tons of fun.  Especially in a city like Savannah.  There were so many stories that I could not remember them all.  At least I got the location right for this one.  I think my guide said something about this place being haunted, but I remember that about all the places we went.

A Piece of Trahlyta Falls

Today’s Photo: A Piece of Trahlyta Falls

A short hike around Vogel State Park brings you to this waterfall.  The best view is from the base of the falls, but it is easily visible from the road driving near the park.

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