Another beautiful sunrise in North Georgia.  I was thinking of the average life span of a person today and became kind of depressed.  lets just use 70 years old as the average life span.  The first 18 years are used learning how to do everything and then school.  So, 18 years preparing for the next 52.  So 52 years left, take away 4 for college (because you have to go to college now for a job) and then 2 more because for those first two years out of college you have no idea what you are doing.  Now we are at 46 years.  Take away 6 from the end, because at 62, most people begin forgetting who they are and then reverting to the first 18 years.  Down to 40 years.  So, 30 years for a career where you have one to two weeks off a year (just enough to frustrate you).  That gets us to 10.  Now think… That makes only 10 summers, falls, winters and springs to attempt to capture memories full time.

What I wouldn’t give to make this a full time endeavor.  Maybe someday.

Fairmount Sunrise

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