From the monthly archives: "April 2011"

I had the pleasure of meeting several people who had some amazing cars at the local car shows this weekend.  In my opinion this car had the most character.  You can just look at the picture and feel the power.  Car just aren’t made like they used to be.  Maybe someday, I can restore one of the great old cars like this one.

In the continuation of my fascination with gates, this is the next in my series of completely useless, but stunning photos of gates.

Have you ever been preparing yourself for something only to have someone else “help” you along and get you started before you were ready.  Don’t feel bad if you have, I can sympathize.

Chevy Chevelle

I planned on going to a car show this weekend.  I was not impressed with the first show I tried.  I continued on my way, but fortunately I returned a short while later because I found a some beautiful cars.  This is just the beginning of the images I shall share from this weekends jaunt.

So, I am planing on doing a series of photos on U.S. civil war canons.  This happens to be another of those canons.  This one is at the top of Kennesaw Mountain in Georgia.

I had the pleasure to go to Portland Oregon last year.  I have to say that Portland has to be in my top 5 places that I have visited.  Where else can you drive one hour and be at the beach or the tallest mountain in the state.  This will be the first of many photos I hope to post on Portland.

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