I love to drive around and look for interesting angles on buildings. When I came across this, I was amazed at the complexity of the statement here.
Now, not many people will get what is actually being said. On the face, it just says “No Admittance”. However, upon close examination…
It says: There is no admittance to this building. Why, you ask? Because, if you make it past the vines, then you have to deal with the outrageous amount of rust–let’s just say “tetanus shot”–and we all know what corrosion does, so if you make it to the top of the stairs, after a lengthy trip to the hospital, excruciating lock-jaw, and probably painful recovery, then who knows, this thing may actually fall down…
I’m just saying.
So, now that you made it to the top, assuming it hasn’t fallen yet, you survived the painful lock-jaw, and the vines did not tangle your feet causing you to strike your head on the awful rust covered contraption, (Did I say “tetanus shot” yet?) you must get the door open, keeping in mind that this whole time, it says “No Admittance”.
I wonder why that is there…never mind.
Where was I? …oh yeah, opening the door, yes. Now you have to open the door–at least this part is easy. Right, it’s attached to a brick wall. Of course you don’t have to worry about that huge gap in the wall just past the door. Surely the building won’t fall down. Right?
Okay, now to the second part of the statement on the wall, “Authorized Personnel Only”. Is it just me, or is there something wrong there too?
“Authorized Personnel”… Who are they? They must be like superheroes or some such. Just think, they have to be able to make it past the killer vines, up the rusted, corroded, falling down steps…after a lengthy painful trip to the hospital for an excruciating case of lock-jaw, which most likely took them forever to overcome…and just barely make it back for the final assault on the door, which may not even open, even though it is attached to a brick wall…which they don’t even know will remain standing. …Or did they just go through the gap, which is in the wall of the building, holding the door, that should not fall down. Right?
Am I the only person who thinks like this, or is there something wrong with me? Comments related to professional help can be placed in the comments section at the bottom of this post, on my Facebook page–by the way, if were not friends yet, just ask–or both.
I sure hope you were amused by the previous, in depth, evaluation of this photo, but I know what you really want to see is the photo, not what I write.
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