From the monthly archives: "June 2011"

I love macro photography.  There is nothing like exploring the world close-up.  There is so much detail to see when you stop looking at the big picture and focus on the little things.  Is it not the little things in life that cause the most pleasure?  A smile from your loved one.  The joy a child has the first time they catch a lightning bug…and then squish it.  So why can photography not capture the little things also.

The Flower

Look into my depths.  Resistance is futile.  Just accept me for what I am.


This is one cool plane.  To be in the presence of something of such historical value was awesome.  It was not until just now that I began thinking of what this plane was used for…dropping an atomic bomb.  Surely there is not radiation left in it, but stop and think about it…what if there is; and I was standing just a few feet from it.  I think my hair is falling out.  Wait, sorry, my wife just reminded me I was going bald before…


I was driving to work today when I had a sudden thought of somethings to do additionally during my workflow.  My typical shots are handheld, 3 exposures, -2 to +2 and not much time to take them.  Sometimes, when I am in a hurry, I do not have time to capture the entire dynamic range.  One of the problems I have had with HDR processing is having a blown out sun; the center is pure white.  I don’t know about you, but I have never seen a pure white sun devoid of color.  So, enter the clone tool.  I was able to take the edges of the sun and clone them across the white area and blend it back in.

The Road Home

Okay, so this was on the way away from home, not to home…well unless you are traveling the other way and then it would be the road home.  Anyways, I have a fascination with these gates and have begun keeping a series on them.  This was sunrise just a few days ago.  Too bad I don’t get to do this all the time as a real job…maybe some day.


A few months ago, Scott Bourne and Rich Harrington started Triple Exposure, a neat site covering panoramas, time lapse and HDR.  There’s lots of information over there so go check it out .  As soon as I am able to, I will upload a panorama I took while in Oregon.  Unfortunately, I pieced it together before some of the tips on that site.  Maybe now, that pesky photomerge will work right.

Downtown C’Ville

I decided the other night to take some time in the major metropolis (hehe) of Cartersville.  This is the view of Jefferson’s on main street.  If you like wings, this is a must visit.  I took several other photos that night and will post them soon.


This photo is from the front of the “Castle”, the Smithsonian Administration building.  I was in a mad dash for the flower gardens at the rear of the Castle when I came across this interesting view.  It was rather frustrating waiting for all the people to walk by and get a clear shot.  People were crazy. It was raining.  Wait, I was out in it too.  Oh well, made for some interesting shots.


I love scavenger hunts.  There is nothing like collecting clues, putting them together and finding something cool.  Maybe I need to start a group near me that has them on a regular basis or maybe I just need to get serious about geocaching?  So, I think my youngest is going to take after me, she is like a maniac at Easter egg hunts.  The older one is not far behind.


probably my favorite times to take photos are at sunrise and sunset.  My day job requires that I am up before dawn almost everyday.  So, on my way to work, I happen to see some of the prettiest sunrises.  Due to my limited time in the mornings, I usually take these handheld instead of with the tripod.  It is amazing I ever make it to work.

It is so humid around here that it has become difficult to take sunset photos.  I can’t wait until this fall.  Sunrise and sunset seem to be more colorful in the fall and winter here.  Is it that way everywhere?


I finally have internet back.  Oh, how I have missed my internet.  It is so hard to make it to anywhere that has internet where I can use my computer and not another persons.

If you have not figured out, I have really taken to the HDR technique.  I had found it several years ago, but never found any photos that I really liked and the process at the time was very hard, at least to me.  At the time, I used the trail version of photomatix.  It was easy to put the photos in, but getting something out which was not over-processed was not exactly the easiest.  Then, last year, I was listening to Leo Laporte, if you have never listened to him, he is the “Tech Guy”… I started watching him on TechTV and then found him again on radio about six or seven years ago… yes, I am a geek and proud of it.  So, I was listening and Leo had this photographer on, Trey Ratcliff, he was talking about HDR, but what really caught my attention was his use of a 50mm prime lens.  I happened to write Trey’s website down,  I got on the internet, researched 50mm lenses and as an afterthought entered Trey’s website.  I was amazed by the photography and to beat it all, he had a FREE tutorial.  Now that is the right price.  From there, I began working the HDR learning process.  From what I hear, most people go through a time period when most photos are “over-processed”.  I had this same trouble, and would argue sometimes that I still do.  However, HDR is still just a processing technique and the photo has to have a composition quality that people want to see.

Smokey Road

This photo is from the Apple Festival car show in Ellijay Georgia.  This car show happens every year on the second Saturday in October.  This was my first car show after learning the HDR process.  I just loved all the cars and even better was the fact that at this show, they were all labeled.  Why can’t more shows label the entry cars?


This was probably one of the most fun sunrise photos I have taken in a long time.  Awake at 0230, on the road at 0300, at the trail-head at 0500.  Began hiking just after 0500 and at the top of Blood Mountain at just after 0600.  Blood Mountain is the highest peak on the Appalachian Trail in Georgia.  We started the hike at approximately 3000 feet and made it to just shy of 4500 feet.  2 miles, 1500 feet and a beautiful sunrise.


Unfortunately, I live an hour from one of the largest metropolitan US cities and am still without Internet. This is beginning to get very frustrating. But, I guess I will just have to have some more patients since there is only one provider here and it seems no one can help.

Just stop and imagine crouching behind this wooden fence. At the woodline, just a few hundred yards away, there is a line of cannon. Of course it’s pointed at you. Everyone quiet. The sky clear. How peaceful it must have been. They could not have imagined with it this peaceful.


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