From the monthly archives: "July 2013"

The College Bell

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Today’s Photo: The College Bell

No matter what college you visit or attend, they all have some sort of history.  If they are too new, then they have many students creating history for their future followers.  This bell sits near the middle of Rheinhardt University.  For many years, it summoned students for various events.  Many colleges and universities have symbols, statues and monuments dedicated to those who came before and those that taught.  This is just one of those.

Name That Bird

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Today’s Photo: Name That Bird

My youngest is an animal lover.  So when we went to the duck pond in Jasper, she had tons of fun.  We were not prepared when we went and had no bread to feed the ducks.  Luckily there were some generous souls that decided to share.  This is one of the shots I got of the ducks swarming her.

Rolling In

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Today’s Photo: Rolling In

I don’t think the rain is ever going to stop this summer.  I guess that is a good change from the lack of rain we have had the past several years.  It has made for some good cloud formations.  This is one of the many storms we have had this year rolling in.

Window Shopping

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Today’s Photo: Window Shopping

I am not a shopper.  In fact, I can’t stand to be in a store for very long.  When I go in a store, I try to have picked out what I am going to get and then leave.  However, several months ago, my wife and I were walking around downtown Cartersville window shopping.  This is one of the little antique / boutique stores that seem to abound in old downtown districts around here.

Bombs Bursting in Ai

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Today’s Photo: Bombs Bursting in Air

The one thing July 4th is good for every year are fireworks.  Unfortunately, this year, widespread rain canceled almost all the shows around here.  Although it was unfortunate, for me I hope it turns out good.  Most of the shows have been rescheduled and it looks like they are going to be on different weekends.  This shot is from Pops on the River 2012.

Independence Day

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Today’s Photo: Independence Day

July 4, 1776: 56 members of a continental congress signed the declaration of independence marking the United States separation from Great Britain.  That started the rise of a great nation founded on the principle that “all men are created equal”.  I know that most people will be very busy today and I hopefully will be too, but take a minute to stop and read this document.  Even if you are not from the United States, it would still be a good read.

I just hope the rain will hold off for some good firework photos.

Clear Water

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Today’s Photo: Clear Water

There are not many places in the southeast where you can find crystal clear creeks or rivers.  However, there are still one or two tucked into the mountains.  This is a small creek between Ellijay and Blue Ridge and the water was clear and cold.  It happens to be the same creek as The Rapids.

A Random Field

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Today’s Photo: A Random Field

My family and my parents decided to ride together to a birthday party and were on the way home when we ran across this field.  I was driving, so it was my mom that pointed out the sunset.  Of course, this elicited a reaction of immediately applied brakes and a search for parking so I could get someone else to drive.  Better, I found a driveway to park in and walked back to the field for a few shots.  The clouds were just right for the sunset to stream across the tops of the mountains.


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Today’s Photo: Hydrodynamics

I spent a significant portion of my youth in the water.  I was fortunate enough to live on a river growing up.  One entire summer, I only missed one weekend from kayaking on it and added many weekdays to that.  To become a decent kayaker, I had to learn a good bit about hydrodynamics.  Mainly so that I would not kill myself getting into something to big for me to handle.  I still love to watch water as is swirls around rocks and creates hydraulics and passes through holes.

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