Currently viewing the tag: "Macro Photography"

I love macro photography.  There is nothing like exploring the world close-up.  There is so much detail to see when you stop looking at the big picture and focus on the little things.  Is it not the little things in life that cause the most pleasure?  A smile from your loved one.  The joy a child has the first time they catch a lightning bug…and then squish it.  So why can photography not capture the little things also.

The Flower

Look into my depths.  Resistance is futile.  Just accept me for what I am.


So, I missed a day, but here is another one for you.

Shutter Speed…  so, shutter speed is used to capture movement.  There are two different ways of stopping movement.  One: stopping subject movement and Two: stopping camera shake.  And, shutter speed is probably the easiest to get right.  You can either stop all movement or allow it.  In order to have a long shutter speed, you need to have a tripod.

And, photography in it’s simplest form requires only two changes, shutter speed and aperture.


I did not think I would like macro photography until I took this photo.  I believe this is one of the photos which began to trigger my artistic side; which I still think I am lacking at.


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