Currently viewing the tag: "modern art"

Monopoly Money Bags

Today’s Photo:  Monopoly Money Bags

I grew up in the age of Monopoly.  It was nothing for a family to sit down and play and entire game of monopoly.  Now for those who haven’t played a game of monopoly to the end, it can take forever.  I have spent …Continue Reading Here…

I have not had the time to slow down and think for myself today.  Let alone think of something fabulous to write.  I don’t know why sometimes, I can’t stop the words and other times, the words wont stop.  Is it like that for anyone else?

Today’s Photo:  Huh?

This was another photo from my sunken gallery expedition.  There were many statues and works of art here that I understood and appreciated, but then there were some that just had me scratching my head and thinking “Huh? What were they thinking.”  But then, I began taking photos of those odd things and started thinking “Then, What am I thinking for taking photos of these.”  The funny thing is, the thoughts still did not stop me from taking the photos.  This piece is actually tucked away in a quiet out of the way place in the gallery.  Like it was hiding there just for me to find.  I think it had something to do with a rabbit, but I don’t remember.


Maybe someone can help me understand something.  Today’s photo comes from the sunken gallery which is in front of the Modern Art museum in Washington D.C.  How can a glass wall and concrete lattice work equal modern art?  Maybe my mind is not open enough.  However, I think I will just attempt to make some modern art of my own using another person’s art.  I do not recall the artist who crafted this piece, so if anyone can help me out, I would love to give proper credit.

I really enjoyed this shot.  Not too many people were exploring this gallery.  I never let a little rain stop me though.


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