I have struggled with posting this photo. I can not explain why I have had so much trouble, but it is still there none the less. Am I the only one who has trouble with posting certain photos?
After a long day in a training seminar, I was able to make it inside the district for a crash through several Smithsonian Museums which were still open past 5 O’Clock. After exhausting all the museums, and being kicked out of the American History Museum, I made it to the Vietnam Memorial. It had been raining, too cold for my southern bones and just plain miserable. I would not have even made it to the Wall if it had not been for the specific request of my brother. After taking this shot and processing it, I still don’t know what to think about it.
I usually release all the photos on this blog under a creative commons license, but not for this one. For licensing information contact daryl (at) justshootingmemories.com
©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)