I have struggled with posting this photo. I can not explain why I have had so much trouble, but it is still there none the less. Am I the only one who has trouble with posting certain photos?
After a long day in a training seminar, I was able to make it inside the district for a crash through several Smithsonian Museums which were still open past 5 O’Clock. After exhausting all the museums, and being kicked out of the American History Museum, I made it to the Vietnam Memorial. It had been raining, too cold for my southern bones and just plain miserable. I would not have even made it to the Wall if it had not been for the specific request of my brother. After taking this shot and processing it, I still don’t know what to think about it.
I usually release all the photos on this blog under a creative commons license, but not for this one. For licensing information contact daryl (at) justshootingmemories.com
©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)
Of all your photos, this one has made me stop and really look at it. The Wall seems to almost not be there, especially as you look farther down; yet, it is the center piece of the picture. The symmetry the wall brings with the reflection is astonishing.
Keep up the good work.
ty lil bro still love this one think its one of your best
Great shot Daryl. The wet pavement, sky, lighting and everything helps convey the mood and reverence of the memorial.