From the monthly archives: "September 2011"

Morning at the Gate

Today’s Photo:  Morning at the Gate

I don’t know what it was about this summer.  The conditions were just right that nearly every morning there was heavy fog in the valley’s, if you can call anything in Georgia a “valley”, between home and work.  It made for some interesting and challenging photographic opportunities.

The morning I took this photo, there was an extremely …Continue Reading Here…


Today’s Photo: Orion

I have been in a very spacey mood lately.  Over the summer, I got spoiled by getting to see sunrise at a good location nearly every day.  Since school started, I have been making it to work shortly after sunrise.  So, you can imagine …Continue Reading Here…

Stormy Weather

Today’s Photo:  Stormy Weather

I have been wishing for cold weather for a while now.  As if you had not noticed.  So, imagine my surprise at the weather we are currently having in North Georgia.  I can’t believe this.  The beginning of September, and we have highs in the mid 70’s.  Absolutely amazing.  Too bad winter is not closer.  But maybe this is a warning that winter is …Continue Reading Here…

Entrance to the Moon©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)

Today’s Photo: Entrance to the Moon

Have you ever wanted to walk on the Moon or maybe, just feel like you are walking on the Moon?  When I was growing up, I kept the dream of being an astronaut alive much longer than my peers.  I was always fascinated by stars, planets, moons, galaxies, you name it.  If it was in space, I wanted to know about it.  So, as part of that, I imagined what it would have been like to be Neal Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin and take the first steps on the Moon.

While at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, I was able to get my first taste of walking on the Moon.  Now, I missed out …Continue Reading Here…

The Mouth©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)

Today’s Photo:  The Mouth

My wife told me I should not post several of these photos in a row.  Okay, I will not do that.  However, I could not pass up the chance to share this photo with you.  I was exploring the back of the Old Car City and saw so many cool subjects …Continue Reading Here…

Bushed©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)

Today’s Photo:  Bushed

Yesterday, I am writing this on Sunday, Saturday, was a very busy day.  I spent the first half of the day exploring Old Car City USA.  If you have not heard of it, that does not surprise me.  This place is completely off the beaten path, but is filled with beaten paths.  It is located in White, Georgia and is the home to around 4000 old cars.  When you pass the place by, you can only see …Continue Reading Here…

A Different Gate Again©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)

Today’s Photo:  A Different Gate Again

I was going to post a photo today of the Old Car City USA, but I was having too much fun with plumbing afterward.  Yeah right!  So, I will post this instead and hope that I can have all the post processing done tomorrow.

I have not done a photo of a gate in a while.  I have this fascination with gates.  I guess that is like …Continue Reading Here…

The Windmill

Today’s Photo:  The Windmill

I was wondering around at home the other day trying to find some more for my “Finding the Small Things” series.  I saw the little windmill and have not thought anything of it the many other times I had seen it.  In fact, this shot was not my intended …Continue Reading Here…

Ominous ©2011 Just Shooting Memories (all rights reserved)

Today’s Photo:  Ominous

It always amazes me how much a scene changes within the two hours around sunset or sunrise.  There is so much happening so fast.  I try to make sure that, when I get wherever I am going, I have researched all that I can and plan.  I use The Photographers Ephemerise on the computer and …Continue Reading Here…

The Fence

Today’s Photo: The Fence

I love to take photos of landscapes, as if you could not figure that out.  However, when you don’t get to travel as much as I would like, you have to take photos of the same scenes over and over.  That is unless you get creative.  In the country, that’s a funny statement, living within an hour of the center of downtown Atlanta, you can always find a picturesque …Continue Reading Here…

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