From the monthly archives: "January 2012"

The Distant Quarry

Today’s Photo:  The Distant Quarry

I am a man of many different hobbies.  Of course, the most obvious is photography, but this is the most tame of them (sometimes not).  I like just about any kind of “adventure” sport you can dream up.  From rock climbing to …Continue Reading Here…

The Steam Engine

Today’s Photo:  The Steam Engine

There is a room in the bottom of the National Museum of American History that houses some of the largest and heaviest items from American history.  This is the steam engine from the belly of the Oak; a Lighthouse …Continue Reading Here…

Off the Beaten Path

Today’s Photo:  Off the Beaten Path

Have you ever wondered what it is that draws some people to things which lead them off the beaten path?  For years, I have been one of those people who have to do things for myself and this usually leads me down some …Continue Reading Here…

The Eye

Today’s Photo:  The Eye

Many animals have great defensive mechanisms.  Turtles have shells, lizards have tails that fall off and butterflies pretend to be bigger than reality.  Some are really bright colored and some have the eyes of a hunter.  On top of the Ocean …Continue Reading Here…

Red and Black

Today’s Photo:  Red and Black

Back near the summer, I began really looking at the local car shows for photography opportunities.  At the first show, I ran across a ’68 Chevy Chevelle SS.  I got a few good shots which …Continue Reading Here…

Bartow County Home

Today’s Photo:  Bartow County Home

This is another of those buildings which I have seen hundreds of times and thought of stopping to take photos.  Well, over the summer, I did exactly that.  I knew it was a rundown establishment of some sort, but not …Continue Reading Here…


Today’s Photo:  Clouds

When I was little, there were days I would just look at the clouds.  They always fascinated me.  So, it was kinda comforting to stop for just a little while one day this summer and watch the clouds.  It is neat how you can …Continue Reading Here…

Mirror Lake Loop

Today’s Photo:  Mirror Lake Loop

The hike to Mirror Lake at the foot of Mount Hood in Oregon is a hike I highly recommend.  If you get there early enough, there is plenty of parking and almost no one on the trail.  While well maintained and very easy to follow, the trail is not for the faint of heart.  It begins as a gentle climb from the roadway and then all the sudden begins switchbacks up …Continue Reading Here…

Have you ever been inside and then stepped out just at sunset and seen what you believe to be one of the best sunsets?  That is what happened to me today.  It was astonishing, but I did not have time to get the camera and get to a good spot.  I just stood and enjoyed it.

Seconds Before Sunrise

Today’s Photo:  Seconds Before Sunrise

There is a reason the time around sunrise and sunset is called the golden or blue hours.  I was fortunate to make it by my little gate on the way to work one morning just at the right time for a couple quick shots of the sun …Continue Reading Here…


Today’s Photo:  Chromed

I have to say, Chrome is a photographers second best friend, or at least somewhere near the top.  I have found one of the best places to find chrome has to be at the car show.  Everywhere I looked at this one, there was …Continue Reading Here…

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